Best Toys and Games for Scottish Folds: Engage Your Cat in Play

Best Toys and Games for Scottish Folds: Engage Your Cat in Play
By Charissa Ira Contegino

25 June 2024

4 min read

Scottish Folds are not just known for their adorable, folded ears and soulful expressions; they also have a playful and curious nature that can bring endless joy and amusement to any cat lover's life. If you're looking to adopt a Scottish Fold kitten and want to keep your Scottish Fold entertained and engaged, choosing the right toys and games is crucial. This guide will help you discover the best options to stimulate your furry friend's mind and body, ensuring they stay happy and healthy.

Understanding Scottish Fold Playfulness

Before diving into the specifics of toys and games, it's important to recognize that despite their calm demeanor, Scottish Folds love to play. Their play is often marked by bursts of energy followed by periods of relaxation. This blend of activity and tranquility makes them ideal companions who can match your own pace of life. Learn more of this breed's temperament with our guide on Understanding the Scottish Fold Cat's Unique Temperament.

Top Toys for Scottish Folds

1. Interactive Cat Feeders and Puzzle Toys

Scottish Folds are intelligent cats that thrive on mental stimulation. Interactive feeders or puzzle toys that require them to think or maneuver obstacles to get treats are excellent for keeping their brains active. These toys not only entertain them but also slow down their eating, which is great for digestion and weight management. If you think you are ready to enjoy playing with a Scottish Fold kitten then check if a Scottish Cat Right For You.

2. Wand and Feather Toys

The swaying motion of a feather or a toy at the end of a wand can mimic the movements of prey, tapping into their natural hunting instincts. Sessions with these toys can be a wonderful way for you to interact with your Scottish Fold, strengthening your bond through playful engagement. If you want to know more about this breed then you can check more about it with our article on Scottish Fold Breed Overview.

3. Balls and Motorized Toys

A simple ball can provide endless entertainment for a Scottish Fold. Whether it's a basic tennis ball, a crinkly foil ball, or even a motorized ball that moves on its own, your cat will love chasing and batting at these toys. The unpredictable movement keeps them intrigued and offers a great form of physical exercise. Aside from playing you can also train your Scottish Fold kittens. Check our Top 10 Basic Tricks for Training Your Purebred Kitten blog to further learn about it.

4. Catnip Toys

Many Scottish Folds are responsive to catnip. Toys infused with catnip can provide a burst of energy and excitement, followed by a period of pleasant relaxation. Watching your Scottish Fold interact with catnip toys can also be incredibly amusing! You can also bond with your Scottish kittens through training. Learn more with our article on Essential Training Tips for Your New Purebred Kitten: Building a Bond That Lasts.

5. Climbing Towers and Cat Trees

Despite not being the most agile climbers, Scottish Folds still appreciate the occasional high perch. A sturdy cat tree or climbing tower that allows them to survey their surroundings can satisfy their curiosity and offer a great spot for napping after play. If you want to know other toys that you can play with your kitten then check our blog on The Best Toys for Your Purebred Kitten.

Games to Play with Your Scottish Fold

1. Hide and Seek

Utilizing treats or their favorite toys, you can play hide and seek with your Scottish Fold by hiding these items around your home. This encourages them to use their sense of smell and problem-solving skills, providing both physical and mental exercise.

2. Fetch

Believe it or not, many Scottish Folds can be taught to play fetch, especially if you start training them as kittens. Using a small, light ball or a favorite toy, encourage your cat to bring it back to you in exchange for treats or affection.

3. Laser Pointer Chase

While it’s important to use laser pointers responsibly (always ensuring there’s a tangible reward at the end), they can be a fun way for your Scottish Fold to engage in some fast-paced chasing around the house.


Incorporating a variety of toys and games into your Scottish Fold’s routine not only keeps them fit and stimulated but also deepens the emotional connection between you and your pet. If you are still thinking if this breed is for you then read our article on why you should choose a Scottish Fold. Scottish Folds are gentle, loving cats that give back much in the way of companionship and affection. By understanding and catering to their playful side, you ensure they lead a fulfilling and joyful life, full of the adventures they love.

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